I. An Overview
In the third quarter of 2012, Liu & Associates had an aggregate total of ninety-three (93) EB-1A, EB-1B, and NIW I-140 cases approved by the USCIS. Among the approved I-140 cases, thirty-five (35) were EB-1A, seventeen (17) were EB-1B, and forty-one (41) were NIW petitions. In the second quarter of 2012, we had five (5) I-140 cases denied by the USCIS. As it happened before, four (4) of these five (5) denied cases were processed by the same one NSC adjudicator and one TSC adjudicator who appeared to hold an adjudicatory standard that was different from the vast majority of USCIS adjudicators. During the same period of time, I-140 cases with similar credentials were routinely approved by other USCIS adjudicators. We have filed inquiries with USCIS regarding the questionable deviation of these individual adjudications. For credentials and background information of the approved EB-1A, EB-1B, and NIW I-140 cases, please see our report at http://www.niwus.com/Approvals.html. II. USCIS E-filing System Change and Its Effects on I-140 Petitions In May 2012, USCIS made an unannounced change to its electronic filing (e-filing) system. For many years, e-filed I-140 petitions were processed exclusively by the Texas Service Center (TSC). But after the change, the USCIS began to route e-filed I-140 petitions to the USCIS service centers based on jurisdiction. Therefore, I-140 petitions are now being sent to the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) if the petitioner is located in states/territories that fall within the NSC jurisdiction. This change only affects I-140 cases where petitioners are within the NSC jurisdiction. NSC currently has I-140 jurisdiction over the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, or Wyoming. This change does not affect I-140 cases where petitioners are within the TSC jurisdiction. TSC currently has I-140 jurisdiction over the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, U.S. Virgin Islands, or West Virginia.
III. Inconsistency of Adjudicatory Standards between NSC and TSC
Although the USCIS strives for consistency between the two service centers, the NSC historically has had significantly lower I-140 approval rates than the TSC, especially for EB-1 I-140 petitions. This is clearly evidenced by the divergent approval rates between the two service centers. According to a report released in December 2011 by the USCIS Ombudsman’s Office, during the first three quarters of 2011, the TSC reported an EB-1 I-140 approval rate of approximately 75%; during the same period, the NSC reported an EB-1 I-140 approval rate of only about 40%. This indicates that many EB-1 I-140 cases with credentials that have a reasonable chance to be approved by the TSC may only have a slim chance to be approved by the NSC.
Due to this change, if EB-1 I-140 petitioners are located within the NSC jurisdiction, it is recommended that they have a backup plan in case the EB-1 I-140 petition is denied by the NSC. Many EB-1 I-140 petitioners/beneficiaries also file EB-2 petitions based on National Interest Waiver (as self-petitioner) or PERM (sponsored by employer) as a backup. While this may be a matter of choice for applicants under the TSC jurisdiction, it may have become a matter of necessity for many applicants within the NSC jurisdiction.
If you plan to apply for green card through EB-1A, EB-1B or NIW and want to know the likelihood of success, you may email your resume to [email protected] for a free and jurisdiction specific evaluation.
********************************************************************刘宗坤律师(Z. Zac Liu, Esq.),法学博士(J.D., Valparaiso University School of Law)、哲学博士(Ph.D., Peking University),伊利诺伊州最高法院及联邦法院执照,曾担任Valparaiso University Law Review的编辑和审稿人, 著有中英文书籍多种,散见于中美各大学图书馆。执业以来,他已代理无数名来自世界各地的科研人员和专业人士成功获得绿卡及各类非移民签证,尤其在国家利益豁免(NIW)、特殊人才(Eb-1A)、杰出教授和研究员(EB-1B)、PERM 劳工证、H-1B工作签证等方面积累了丰富的经验。有兴趣提出申请的读者,可将简历发往[email protected]。刘律师会在两个工作日内对符合条件的申请做出免费评估。
白凯玲律师 (Kellie Pai, Esq.),法学博士(J.D.,University of Houston Law Center)、文学学士(B.A., University of Texas at Austin),德克萨斯州最高法院执照,联邦法院执照,刘宗坤联合律师事务所合伙人及专业移民律师。
Christina T. Le 律师,法学博士(J.D.,University of Houston Law Center)、文学学士(B.A., Northwestern University),德克萨斯州最高法院执照,联邦法院执照,曾任Department of Justice驻Houston移民法庭Attorney Advisor,现任刘宗坤联合律师事务所合伙人及专业移民律师。
Sabrina Schroeder律师,法学博士 (J.D., Michigan State University College of Law)、文学学士 (B.A., Oklahoma State University),密西根州最高法院执照,曾任Michigan State University Law Review编辑,密西根上诉法院Prehearing Research Attorney,现任刘宗坤律师事务所专业移民律师。
Karen Egonis 律师,法学博士(J.D.,University of Houston Law Center)、文学硕士 (M.A., University of South Carolina)、文学学士(B.A., Texas A&M University),新罕布什尔州最高法院执照,现任刘宗坤联合律师事务所专业移民律师。
Liu & Associates, PLLCWells Fargo Tower, 8th Floor6161 Savoy Drive, Suite 830 Houston, Texas 77036Tel: (800) 878-1807(713) 974-3893 Fax: (866) 608-2766Email: [email protected]: www.niwus.com
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